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Shipping & Returns


New orders will be processed and shipped within 1-3 business days for in-stock inventory. Holidays may affect delivery schedules.


Back order or special-order products will be processed and shipped as soon as the item(s) are available.


Responsibility of ownership transfers to the purchaser upon delivery. Upon receiving your item please check for any possible damage incurred during shipping. 


We will only ship to the same address provided by your payment method.


Unless otherwise advised, shipping will be made by a fully insured service within normal business hours. Damages or shortages must be notified upon receipt of your order. 


For any undamaged product, return it with its included accessories and packaging within 7 days of the date you receive the product, and we will issue a refund based upon the original payment method. Note: You must contact us by email at to receive Return Authorization.


In addition, please note the following: For a full refund, Product must be in new sale worthy condition to be returned. Any reduction in value will be deducted from the refund. Reduced value may be due to marks, damage, wear, missing components, modifications, damaged or missing packaging etc. Special orders are not eligible for refund.


It is the customer's responsibility for the safe return of the goods. It is also the customer's responsibility to meet any shipping and import/export charges. This includes charges for outbound and return shipments. If you refuse delivery of, or fail to collect a shipment sent to you, you will be liable for the above costs incurred.


NOTE: Refunds for goods purchased from outside of the US are transacted in the original USD value at your payment provider's current exchange rate. Refunds will be made within 14 days of notice of cancellation if the goods have been received by SAXRAX.


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